All of us should individually focus on judicious use of water; and micro and drip irrigation


All of us should individually focus on judicious use of water; and micro and drip irrigation

NEW DELHI (INDIA): A 25 member delegation from the Young FICCI Ladies Organisation called on Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi today.nnThe delegation interacted with the Prime Minister on subjects such as women entrepreneurship, and women empowerment.nnThe Prime Minister responded at length to various questions raised by the delegation members.nnHe said Swachh Bharat Mission offers great opportunities for “waste to wealth” entrepreneurship, with significant benefits to community health.nnResponding to a question on water conservation, the Prime Minister said all of us should individually focus on judicious use of water; and micro and drip irrigation.nnThe Prime Minister said family values, acceptance of diversity and environmental consciousness are three of India?s greatest traditions which we must nurture.nnSubjects such as education, skill development, art and culture and women’s safety also came up for discussion.

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