India approves the revised Air Services Agreement with Malaysia
India approves the revised Air Services Agreement with Malaysia
NEW DELHI (INDIA): The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has approved the revised Air Services Agreement (ASA) with Malaysia.nnThe revised text of ASA was initialed in 2011. However, due to some diversion on Article 13 i.e. related to remittance of earning, the Agreement could not be signed. During the meeting held in ICAN 2016, Malaysian side agreed to revise the text of said article as suggested by M/o Finance, Govt. of IndiannFeatures of the Air Services Agreementnn? Existing ASA was signed in 1974, hence there is a need to revise, update and modernize the exiting ASAn? Text of existing ASA has been replaced with the new text as per latest ICAO template.n? Cooperative Marketing Arrangement for 3rd country airlines has been addedn? Clause on domestic codeshare has been addedn? The articles on ‘safety and security’ have been added in the revised ASAn? The article related to ‘intermodal services’ have been added in the revised ASA that will permit air passengers and cargo to move through any intermodal transport from any point in the territory of other party.